Legislative Priorities

MNASCA promotes the interests of the ASC community before the state legislature as well as state regulatory and executive agencies. MNASCA identifies and analyzes critical issues affecting ASCs and acts on behalf of members to enhance and protect the ASC’s ability to provide high quality, cost-effective patient care.

2024 Session Overview

The 2024 Legislative Session wrapped up in a dramatic fashion on May 20. With little time left on the clock—the legislature was Constitutionally required to complete work on bills by midnight on May 19—Democratic leaders amended several omnibus bills to the omnibus tax conference committee report. Dubbed the “Grand Theft Omnibus/Catch-All Bill,” it included nearly 1,500 pages. It was posted Sunday night at 9:45 p.m. 

Over the vocal objections of Republican members, House DFL leaders initiated a rare procedural move, calling the question to close debate and take an up-or-down vote on the mega-bill. A similar situation played out on the Senate floor as legislators raced to complete their work before the clock struck midnight.

Check out this MinnPost article for a rundown of what passed—and what didn’t—this session: MinnPost’s massive list of what the Minnesota Legislature passed (and didn’t pass) in 2024

Policymakers considered a number of issues impacting ASCs: prior authorization reform, medical debt restrictions, public option expansion, licensure compacts, scope of practice changes, surgical smoke evacuation requirements, health care private equity ban, and more. Read the 2024 MNASCA end-of-session summary for details on the final outcome of these bills and other proposals of interest to Minnesota ASCs.