MNASCA Education Sessions

Each year, MNASCA hosts a series of online Education Sessions on timely topics. These learning events provide members with continuing education opportunities to stay current on key issues affecting ASCs.

MNASCA hosted our second online education session on Friday, April 26 on how to prepare for your next survey. This session was led by Mary Ryan, Senior Consultant for Amblitel. Ryan is a former President of the Iowa Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers and also served on the Board of Ambulatory Surgery Certification (BASC). Click here to access the session slides, a recording of the presentation, and many helpful resources!

Our first education session of 2024 was held on January 19th. Presenters from Dyste Williams and COPIC introduced the Candor process and explored how using this model can help ACSs improve patient safety. Click here for more information, including the session slides/video and helpful Candor-related resources.

Check out materials from 2022-23 Education Sessions.


Education Planning Subcommittee

The MNASCA Education Planning Subcommittee meets monthly to plan future Education Sessions and discuss ways to involve MNASCA members in an educational forum. If you are interested in getting involved with the subcommittee or have an idea for an upcoming education session, please email [email protected], or Hailey Englund, Chair of the Subcommittee, at [email protected].